Sports Day – A Memory to Cherish


This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June. There was great excitement in the lead up to this event as it had not taken place since 2019.  Schools represented included Gaelscoil na gCloch Liath, Greystones Community National School, Greystones Educate Together, Holy Rosary Wicklow, Kilcoole Primary School, Kilmacanogue, St. Coen’s Rathnew, St. Fergal’s, St. Mary’s and St. Gerard’s Enniskerry, St. Laurence’s Greystones, St. Patrick’s Bray, St. Brigid’s Greystones, St. Kevin’s, Newtown, Ashford, Curtlestown, St. Peter’s, Roundwood, Woodstock ETNS, St. Cronan’s and Gaelscoil Uí Chéadaigh.

The day began with a parade around the track with each school displaying their banner, wearing their school’s colours with pride and singing Amhrán na bhFiann before events got under way. Cathaoirleach Ciara did a fine job of MC on the day and kept every event ticking along nicely.  Events included individual races, team relays, tug of war, ball throw, long puck, long kick and long jump. Each boy and girl represented their school impeccably and should be very proud of themselves. Special thanks to all the teachers, parents, past pupils, first aid team and volunteers who assisted in the running of the day. Thanks to Teresa Kinnane and the staff in Charlesland, we are grateful to have the use of such fantastic facilities.  The Sports Day is a day run by volunteers and without such good nature and teamwork it would be possible to hold such an event, to all of those Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin are indebted.  Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine!

Most importantly well done to each and every child who took part, many of whom have seldom, or maybe never, ran on a track before so this is a wonderful experience for them.  We hope it gives them a grá for it and that they will be back again. The level of sportsmanship displayed on the day was truly remarkable.  Children could be seen shaking hands at the end of events, congratulating each other on the podium and helping each other out. This lovely atmosphere of sportsmanship was a credit to them and their schools.  It is days like this that children remember and the Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day is one such memory to cherish.

Sports Day Results 2023:

U8 50m Boys

1st Fionn Mac Craith - Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh, Bray

2nd Sean Ruttledge - Holy Rosary, Wicklow Town

3rd Liam Earls - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford


U8 50m Girls

1st Maddalena Turolla - Holy Rosary, Wicklow Town

2nd Robyn Guerin - St Fergal's N.S.

3rd Laura Byrne - St Patrick's, Bray


U8 80m Boys

1st James Doyle - Woodstock ETNS

2nd Ardan Jayawardene - Kilcoole Primary School

3rd Ronán Gough - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

U8 80m Girls

1st Amelia Martin - Newtownmountkennedy Primary School

2nd Mya Shani Mlisana - Greystones Community National

3rd Ellie Smith - Kilcoole Primary School


U9 50m Boys

1st Oscar Tarnogrodzki - Greystones Educate Together

2nd Seosamh Og Daly - St Laurence's National School, Greystones

3rd Kyron Burke Faramola  - St Cronan's National School, Bray

U9 50m Girls

1st Skyla Kavanagh - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford

2nd Casey Jacob - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

3rd Heidi Cushion - Greystones Educate Together


U9 80m Boys

1st Antoni Biskup - St Cronan's National School, Bray

2nd Fionn Tilson - St Laurence's National School, Greystones

3rd Kyan Ó Foghlú - Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh, Bray

U9 80m Girls

1st Ciara Ní Fhaith - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

2nd Eve O'Neill - St Mary's and Gerard's, Enniskerry

3rd Eve O'Neill - St Mary's and Gerard's, Enniskerry


U10 50m Boys

1st Joshua Doyle - St Cronan's National School, Bray

2nd Roman Tsyhanenko - St Peter's National School, Bray

3rd Noah Ó Broin - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

U10 50m Girls

1st Kate Breen - St Patrick's, Bray

2nd Edrea Chidi - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford

3rd Aoife Gilmore - St Kevin's, Greystones


U10 80m Boys

1st Alfie Monahan - St Kevin's, Greystones

2nd Daniel de Bhál - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

3rd Aidan McGerr - St Brigid's School, Greystones

U10 80m Girls

1st Emma Lynch - St Patrick's, Bray

2nd Lucia Brock - St Brigid's School, Greystones

3rd Sophie Byrne - Kilcoole Primary School


U11 80m Boys

1st Henry Salmon - St Cronan's National School, Bray

2nd Sam Sheehan - St Brigid's School, Greystones

3rd Rob Egan - St Laurence's National School, Greystones


U11 80m Girls

1st Fiona Marchner - Greystones Community National

2nd Susie Ferguson - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood

3rd Alicia Gallagher - St Patrick's, Bray


U11 200m Boys

1st Charlie Sheridan - St Cronan's National School, Bray

2nd Harry Gormley - St Brigid's School, Greystones

3rd Robert Patchell - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha


U11 200m Girls

1st Orla Ní Bhreasláin - Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh, Bray

2nd Emily Flynn - Kilmacanogue National School

3rd Ann Marie Yoma Atiyota - Greystones Community National


U12 100m Boys

1st Tyler McElvaney - Kilcoole Primary School

2nd Callum Kilkenny - St Peter's National School, Bray

3rd Harry Farrell - St Cronan's National School, Bray


U12 100m Girls

1st Robyn Ní Dhubhsláine - Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh, Bray

2nd Kaya Bochenek - St Laurence's National School, Greystones

3rd Chloe O Toole - Newtownmountkennedy Primary School


U12 600m Boys

1st Scottie Tinsley - St Kevin's, Greystones

2nd Arthur Brunton - St Cronan's National School, Bray

3rd Samuel Myers - Greystones Community National


U12 600m Girls

1st Jessica O' Connor - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood

2nd Neasa Ní Chionnaith - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

3rd Laragh Coughlan - St Kevin's, Greystones


O12 100m Boys

1st Lucas Brack - Scoil Naisiunta Padraig Naofa, Curtlestown
2nd Andrew McGlynn - St Kevin's, Greystones

3rd Mudasser Mohammed - St Fergal's N.S.

O12 100m Girls

1st Holly Furlong - Greystones Educate Together

2nd Keela Lawless - St Laurence's National School, Greystones

3rd Heidi Clucas - St Peter's National School, Bray


O12 600m Boys

1st Cillian Walsh - St Kevin's, Greystones

2nd Senan Dutton - St Laurence's National School, Greystones

3rd Callum Stíobhard Cinsealach - Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh, Bray


O12 600m Girls

1st Moya Nic Aindriú - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

2nd Emily O Driscoll   - St Laurence's National School, Greystones

3rd Amy Ciobanu - St Fergal's N.S.


Boys Relay Teams

1st St Cronan's National School, Bray

2nd St Kevin's, Greystones

3rd Kilcoole Primary School


Girls Relay Teams

1st St Laurence's National School, Greystones

2nd Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

3rd Greystones Community National School


U12 Long Kick Boys

1st Andrew Hannon - St Cronan's National School, Bray

2nd Timothy Mariyasingarayan - Newtownmountkennedy Primary School

3rd Conor Ó Murcháin - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

U12 Long Kick Girls

1st Mia Byrne Lucey - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford

2nd Isla Hindle - Holy Rosary, Wicklow Town

3rd Ellie Reid - St Brigid's School, Greystones


O12 Long Kick Boys

1st Alex Healy - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford
2nd Rory Wolohan - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood
3rd Rían Boylan - St Mary's and Gerard's, Enniskerry

O12 Long Kick Girls

1st Kate McGillycuddy - Greystones Educate Together

2nd Ailbhe Coffey - Holy Rosary, Wicklow Town

Ana Maria Neacsa - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood

U12 Long Puck Boys

1st Donnacha de Brún - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha
2nd Ethan Kelly - Kilcoole Primary School
3rd Jamie Coster Knowles - St Coen's NS Rathnew

U12 Long Puck Girls

1st Zoe Brennan Tkacz - Kilmacanogue National School

2nd Sadhbh Hokamp - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

3rd Emily Cobb - St Patrick's, Bray


O12 Long Puck Boys

1st Jayden Ó Broin Masterson - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

2nd Conor Meade - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford

3rd Daniel Mac Cionnaith - Gaelscoil Ui Cheadaigh, Bray

O12 Long Puck Girls

1st Kate McNamara - Greystones Community National School

2nd Moya Ní Mharranáin - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

3rd Etain Finnerty - Greystones Educate Together


U12 Ball Throw Boys

1st Jonah Mac Iomhair - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha
2nd Hunter Hennessy - Holy Rosary, Wicklow Town

3rd Rory Power - St Kevin's, Greystones

U12 Ball Throw Girls

1st Lucia Hamilton - St Patrick's, Bray

2nd Lauren Crawford - St Brigid's School, Greystones

3rd Mishka Brown - Kilcoole Primary School


O12 Ball Throw Boys
1st Ryan Egan - St Cronan's National School, Bray
2nd Jack Campbell - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood

3rd Tadhg de Róiste - Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha

O12 Ball Throw Girls
1st Ailbhe O Meara - Newtownmountkennedy Primary School
2nd Ailbhe Comerford - St Kevin's, Greystones
3rd Amy Heatly - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood

U12 Long Jump Boys
1st Oliver Duraj - St Peter's National School, Bray
2nd Finn Connerty - St Kevin's, Greystones

3rd Maksym Khrystyn - Scoil Naisiunta Padraig Naofa, Curtlestown


U12 Long Jump Girls

1st Kate Martin - Kilmacanogue National School
2nd Doireann Dour - St Patrick's, Bray

3rd Kasia Gumulka - Greystones Educate Together

O12 Long Jump Boys

1st James Daly - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford

2nd Ethan Byrne - Greystones Educate Together

3rd Jack Higgins - St Laurence's National School, Roundwood

O12 Long Jump Girls

1st Rachael Kennedy - St Brigid's School, Greystones

2nd Lauren Cleary - Kilmacanogue National School

3rd Sophia Zubko - St Peter's National School, Bray


Tug of War Teams

1st St. Kevin’s Greystones

2nd Newtownmountkennedy Primary School

Joint 3rd Kilcoole Primary School; St. Brigid’s, Greystones


Best Turned-Out School in Parade

St Mary's and Gerard's, Enniskerry

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