
Allianz Coughlan Cup (Boys Football) on 27th February in Bray

Allianz 3rd and 4th Class Indoor Boys Football - Aughrim - 23rd January

35 Teams Representing Their Schools in Bray Emmets


Allianz Football Participation Day - 3rd and 4th Class Boys - 24th October - Bray

5th and 6th Class Boys Shine in Donard

Great Day at Allianz 5th and 6th Class Boys Football in Aughrim

Super Turnout at Boys’ Football Blitz in Bray

Register for Allianz 5th and 6th Class Boys Football – Indoor - Aughrim

5th and 6th Class Boys Football – 26th September - Bray

7 Divisions Played Out Finals at the Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup


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